Raised Vegetable Gardens

Raised Vegetable Garden Services

Are you tired of the back breaking chore of working the garden only to be overwhelmed by mud and weeds? We have a solution for you! There are many benefits to working with raised Gardens. Below are just a few examples of how a raised garden can save you time, money, and increase your harvest.

Benefits of a Raised Vegetable Garden

Raised  gardens allow you to fill them with the soil ingredients of your choice. Areas with poor soil or drainage are no longer  a challenge. The basic idea of a raised bed is that instead of battling against poor soil conditions, you build above ground, where you have absolute control over the soils ingredients and moisture content.

Back problems?

By building your gardens to just the right height they will be much more comfortable to work alongside of. Not only are they easier to plant and harvest but maintenance is substantially reduced giving you more time to enjoy the rewards.

Never Till Again

Raised beds provide a healthier environment for beneficial microorganisms and earthworms because there’s no foot traffic to compact the soil. You also avoid the time and expense of tilling.

Keep Clean

Spread mulch or stone over the paths between your raised beds and your feet will stay clean, no matter how wet the weather. Because you won’t walk on the beds, you’ll be able to run out to grab a handful of fresh basil for dinner without worrying about compacting the soil or tracking mud back in the house.

Grow Longer

The soil in raised beds typically warms earlier in spring than the surrounding earth. It also tends to dry faster, so you can get cool-season crops planted sooner, extending the growing season and your vegetable crop choices. You can take it one step further by making hoops and covering the boxes with plastic to create a green house affect.

Consider the installation and benefits of an irrigation system.

Drip lines are relatively inexpensive to install however soaker hoses work just as well. Whichever route you take place the water line underneath your mulch, this will prevent the water from evaporating.  Using a sprinkler will send water into the air which will evaporate and allow water to rest on the leaves of plants which can contribute to fungal diseases.

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