Need  Privacy?

privacy trees Maryland
If you’re looking for more privacy in your own back yard then you have come to the right place.  Why install a fence only to incur more expense with possible repairs and maintenance down the road?  Most people who look for privacy want it to extend above six feet in height making trees the perfect choice.  In addition, there are many other advantages of planting trees such as a wind break, reducing traffic noise and the endless list of benefits they provide to the environment. (20 reasons to plant a tree)

Designing your planting project will take careful consideration based on various elements.  An evergreen, for example will provide you with a year-round screen, whereas  deciduous trees can provide spring blossoms and fall color but limited privacy throughout the winter months. Other elements to consider will be the height and width of the trees that your property will allow for.  If your yard is large enough, flowering deciduous trees planted in front of an evergreen backdrop help to accentuate the yard.  To achieve the landscape you desire it is important to choose trees that will tolerate conditions such as wind, drought , poor soil, partial shade and most importantly, deer!!

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Types of Privacy Trees We Offer

For your convenience I have created a small list of popular trees with descriptions to help get you started. With one call to J.W.’s Lawn & Landscape you can be on your way to having the privacy you have always wanted. Click on any of the trees below to learn more about each type of privacy tree we offer -

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