If you’re looking for more privacy in your own back yard then you have come to the right place. Why install a fence only to incur more expense with possible repairs and maintenance down the road? Most people who look for privacy want it to extend above six feet in height making trees the perfect choice. In addition, there are many other advantages of planting trees such as a wind break, reducing traffic noise and the endless list of benefits they provide to the environment. (20 reasons to plant a tree)
Designing your planting project will take careful consideration based on various elements. An evergreen, for example will provide you with a year-round screen, whereas deciduous trees can provide spring blossoms and fall color but limited privacy throughout the winter months. Other elements to consider will be the height and width of the trees that your property will allow for. If your yard is large enough, flowering deciduous trees planted in front of an evergreen backdrop help to accentuate the yard. To achieve the landscape you desire it is important to choose trees that will tolerate conditions such as wind, drought , poor soil, partial shade and most importantly, deer!!
For your convenience I have created a small list of popular trees with descriptions to help get you started. With one call to J.W.’s Lawn & Landscape you can be on your way to having the privacy you have always wanted. Click on any of the trees below to learn more about each type of privacy tree we offer -
Ilex x aquipernyi ‘San Jose’
The San Jose has a more slender pyramidal habit that will reach a height of 15-20 feet and an average width of 10-15 feet. This tree berries heavily and has dark green pointed leaves. It likes full sun but will tolerate partial shade. The San Jose has a slower growth rate making it an excellent low maintenance specimen or a foreground accent in a larger landscape screen.
Picea abies
Norway Spruce is an evergreen conifer that can reach 60-80 feet in height and 25-30 feet in width. It can grow 2-3 feet per year for the first 25 years. They prefer full sun and will tolerate partial shade but the growth rate and density will be reduced. This tree is also widely used as a windbreak up North.
Cryptomeria japonica ‘Radicans’
Radicans is an excellent choice for a fast growing columnar tree for screening purposes. Radicans has a tight pyramidal growth habit reaching an average width of 10-15 feet and a height of 20-40 feet. It’s feathery dark blue-green foliage is exceptionally dense and will grow in full sun to partial shade.
Cupressocyparis ‘Leylandii’
Leyland Cypress is a rapidly growing evergreen that can reach 20-30 feet in height within ten years. Full Grown this tree can reach 50-60 feet in height and 15-20 feet in width. The Graceful, Pyramidal shape lends itself well to many landscape uses. The Leyland Cypress is an economical choice for a fast growing privacy or wind barrier.
Viburnum rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’
Leatherleaf Viburnum is an evergreen shrub that will tolerate partial shade and reach a height of 8-10 feet. It gets its name from its coarsely textured leaves. It produces creamy white flowers in the spring and berries in early fall which first appear red and then change to a glossy black.
‘Carpinus betulus’
The European Hornbeam has a variety of uses. It makes a great privacy screen in tighter locations where an evergreen isn’t necessary. It is also a very popular street tree due to its dense and tight growth habit. Planting the Hornbeam in a row to form a hedge is also an option for someone that may want privacy in three out of four seasons. A good example would be someone with a pool wanting to block the view from the neighbors’ second story window. If not pruned the Hornbeam can reach a height of 30-40 ft. and a width of 8-12 ft. After shedding its attractive fall foliage consisting of yellow, orange and reds the tree will display its uniquely fluted bark through the winter months.
Thuja x plicata
Green Giant Arborvitae is the perfect fast growing evergreen for a privacy hedge or wind screen. Plant one every 6-8 feet and they quickly fill out into a dense barrier. It has a mature width of 8-12 feet and if not pruned can reach 20-40 feet in height. The Green Giant will grow 3-5 feet a year once established making it a great choice for someone that wants privacy in a hurry.
‘Thuja occidentalis’
Emerald green will grow to a height of 10 to 15 feet, with a spread of 4-5 feet. It is a favorite tree to use in a tight space. The Emerald Green Arborvitae displays its bright lustrous emerald green color year round, and does not discolor in winter. Its very compact and tight growth habit make it an excellent choice for a screen when spaced 2 to 3 feet apart in the row. Emerald Green’ arborvitae does great in full sun and can grow in partial shade as well. Beware that unlike the Green Giant the Emerald Green is not Deer tolerant. If you live in an area where Deer are prevalent this is most likely not a good choice for you.